I would like to say it was the scariest day of my life, but watching my kids get hurt (on more than one occasion) trumps that. However - it was pretty darn scary. I was running, minding my own business, and a big dog (didn't know it was a cane corso at the time) was charging on a front lawn, clearly unleashed, making a beeline for me. I had enough time to think "Wow, that's a big dog. I really wish its owners would call it back. I really, really hope it doesn't attack me."
Next thing I know my entire hand is in its maws. It pierced my wrist and lacerated the pad of my hand by my thumb. The owners were standing right there, watching the whole thing go down. Not once did I hear the dog's name. I don't remember how I got the dog off of me, or how I ended up on the opposite side of the road (thank goodness no cars were coming) but luckily, all of the above happened. After what seemed like minutes--but was probably more like one minute--the owners realized what had happened.
After refusing to let them drive me to the hospital, we called my husband and let the ambulance take me.
I am so thankful to the South Euclid police and paramedics who came to help.
Here's the injury on the palm of my hand. I was also pierced on the top side of my wrist. I'ts amazing how many nerve endings are in your hand!!!
Five+ hours in the hospital was not how I was planning to spend my day.
I still had a team squat challenge to complete, and the dog bite and the hospital would not deter me. (Thank goodness it didn't involve my hands.)
And my dear friends left this as a little present for me. And now I run with it---ALWAYS.
I have passed many dogs since the attack and only one has given me a panic attack - completely unexpected. Difficulty breathing, almost in tears. And it was a Doberman - go figure. Luckily I saw it for what it was and since I was at mile 11 of a 12 mile run I kept on going. No way was I going to stop.
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